$20K Guaranteed Payout!!!
Friday, Sept. 13th
Early Vendors - 1pm
Donate Blood - 4pm-7pm
Steak Night - 6pm until sold out
Karaoke - 7pm
Saturday, Sept. 14th
Vendors, Bounce House, Competition Judging,
Pet Vaccinations, Live Auction, Awards,
Live Music, & Raffles for 50/50 & Spirit Wagon!
Cooker & Vendor Spots Limited.
Filling Up FAST!
Proceeds Benefiting Local Veterans & Their Families, Veteran Programs such as the Chad E. Ohlschaeger Foundation for P.T.S.D., Care Packages for our Deployed Troops, Blue Star Mothers, Local High School Scholarships, & Local First Responder Recognition.
Contacts Information:
Maria Lucia - 612.597.0777
Denise Narciso - 512.996.7464
Melissa Bradford - 512.909.0831
For Fastest Response Please Email.
All Entry Forms may be submitted via the email listed above.